Zac Efron's Brother, Dylan, Shared What He Really Thinks About Showers, And The Internet Has Thoughts
4 days ago
So, Dylan Efron is Zac Efron's equally attractive little brother.
He's recently gained a lot of attention because he is currently on Peacock's The Traitors, a reality TV show based on the Dutch series De Verraders.
Dylan, along with a bunch of Real Housewives, former contestants from Survivor, Big Brother, The Challenge, and, believe it or not, Tom Sandoval, compete in a game akin to Mafia or Clue to banish contestants to figure out who is secretly the traitors murdering everyone.
Dylan's become somewhat of a fan favorite, perhaps due to his boyish charm or the fact that he's literally one of the only contestants without a history of gossip, betrayal, and reality TV treachery.
In an interview with Are You Okay, Dylan answered a few rapid-fire queries, and it appears that once beloved innocence is going into question after his answer about taking showers.
Staying on brand for the adorable dude next door, Dylan answered that his most controversial food opinion is that he doesn't like croissants and that watching sunsets is completely underrated. Then, host Brianna Morales asked him what was overrated.
Answering the question of what is overrated to you, Dylan said, "I think people shower too much."
And he doubled down on his answer that we collectively "take to showers."
According to The World Population Review, several countries like the United States, Germany, Mexico, and the United Kingdom take an average of 6-8 showers a week. Brazil takes a whopping 14 showers per week, based on WPR's data.
Based on his interview response, taking a bunch of showers every week is not Dylan's ministry. He has a different solution. "I go in the pool a lot," he said. "There's chlorine. It's killing everything."
When Brianna said that's not the same as actually scrubbing your body, Dylan responded, "We don't need to soap our bodies every time we're in the shower either. That's way too much."
Needless to say, Dylan's take on taking showers caught everyone's attention, and they had thoughts.
"His take on sunsets is absolutely beautiful… but he still lost me at the chlorine bit 😅😭," one person wrote.
Another person said, "I want to go back to a time I didn't hear this take on too many showers 😓."
Playing off the show's title, someone said, "Omg of course he's NOT okay, dude doesn't shower!!!!!"
People pointed out that "Chlorine doesn't kill dirt and SMELL."
Someone else suggested, "Every other day is okay. But he's definitely the type that hit the gym then goes straight out to diner plans."
"Well if we all looked like this we wouldn't shower either Dylan!!! Also as a college swimmer, if you didn't shower you'd smell like a Chlorox box and your hair would turn a straw whitem" another person wrote.
This person said, "For the last, stop giving these people a platform to talk about terrible hygiene. Bring shame back."
Finally, Dylan also commented on the video and jokingly wrote, "so many red flags." And to be honest, we love an aware king.
All stank booty allegations aside, I think Dylan is a huge green flag, so not too much on him, unless it's bodywash. You know what? Maybe we do waste a lot of water, or maybe I'm just really thirsty.
And here's video evidence that Dylan does take baths. You're welcome.
What do you think about Dylan's hot take? Let discuss in the comments.