Tell Me The Most Horrifying Moment In A Non-Horror Movie

1 week ago 2
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"The danger must be growing..."

I have written countless horror movie posts for BuzzFeed, but there are still plenty of scares outside the genre. A non-horror movie may have a perfectly timed jumpscare or something incredibly unsettling that leaves you hiding under your covers.

Please tell me the most horrifying moment in a non-horror movie that either made you leap out of your skin or gave you nightmares (or both).

For example, the most famous case is the boat scene from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. The scary imagery and mood switch terrified kids.

Or, your scene may have been an unexpected jumpscare, like when the Wicked Witch of the West appeared in that crystal ball in The Wizard of Oz.

Perhaps something more disturbing, like the sacrifice scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, which left you wondering how they got away with something so visually gruesome.

A person wearing tribal-style attire with a headpiece featuring horns and a skull. Menacing expression, surrounded by an eerie setting

Paramount Pictures

Whatever the movie moment, please share it and why it scared you in the comments below! Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post! If you prefer to stay anonymous, fill out this Google form.

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