Iowa’s do-nothing congressional delegation
I believe it was Albert Einstein who said: "The world will not be destroyed by people who do evil, but rather by people who watch them and do nothing."
Well, our two senators, Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst, and our four representatives, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Ashley Hinson, Zach Nunn, and Randy Feenstra, have done absolutely nothing to stop President Donald Trump as he takes the power from Congress, defies our Constitution and the rule of law as he is destroying our democracy and creating chaos every single day of his time in office.
Trump has even indicated in one of his recent texts that he feels he is now a king. Under Trump and Elon Musk's leadership we will be ultimately losing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, our public schools, our small towns and hospitals, the government institutions that protect average Americans, farm subsidies, the immigrants who provide much of the labor our economy requires, our status as a world leader and the support of many of our critical allies, as he makes the super-rich and himself more wealthy and puts average Americans at the bottom of the financial pyramid.
So, I guess these representatives will have to accept the responsibility for what is happening and we all will have to remember that when they come up for reelection in 2026 and 2028.
Duane Mortensen, Ankeny
Polk County supervisors should be personally on the hook for settlement
Why will the county be paying the settlement to former administrator John Norris? While I agree that he is entitled to the compensation, the supervisors who are playing their petty political games should be the ones who are responsible for the payment. There must be a disincentive for these supervisors as they continue with their antics at our expense. At least this could keep them on task until we have a chance to vote them out at the next opportunity.
Dan Walter, West Des Moines
Progressives are not demanding any special rights for anyone
I travel in a circle of diverse and progressive (i.e. “liberal”) people. No place, group or person is perfect, however I have yet to encounter anyone who:
Is demanding anything (health care, education, etc.) for free. We’d just like to see our tax dollars spent more wisely.
Is grooming your children with deviant intentions just because they were born with a different sexual orientation.
Is demanding special rights at the expense of anyone else.
Burns flags or wishes the country ill will. In fact, many of us are veterans. We are patriotic, just not at the expense of anyone else.
Desires to force their lifestyle or religion (or lack thereof) on anyone.
I would wager that 98% of the population are just living day to day, wanting to live their lives in peace and privacy. What an effort that takes sometimes! Remember that next time you hear any fearmongering, scapegoating or hate speech about anyone.
Paul Lundy, Hiawatha
Ashley Hinson is right to keep up with town halls
Kudos to U.S. Representative Ashley Hinson for her pledge to continue to hold town halls in her district. Reporting back and listening to voters is an essential part of the job of state and federal legislators. Once elected, these legislators represent and are responsible to all the voters, including those who didn't vote for them.
Dorothy Lifka, Des Moines
I couldn’t afford tampons and it was awful. Make them free in schools.
Regarding the story about whether free tampons should be available in Iowa school bathrooms, there is no question about it. These products should be free.
As a poor child, I had no money to buy these products and used rags in my underwear, praying blood did not seep through on my clothes, which forced me to leave school on more than one occasion.
So of course this basic item should be free. Let’s save money elsewhere.
Judy Avritt, Des Moines
This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Provide free tampons in school bathrooms in Iowa | Letters