Only Die-Hard Rom-Com Fanatics Have Seen All 70 Of These Classic Movies

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If you still haven't seen The Idea of You with Anne Hathaway, hop to it!!!

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According to Rotten Tomatoes, these are the best rom-coms of all-time.

Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal in "When Harry Met Sally..."

Columbia Pictures

And, as a lifetime fan of the rom-com, the most brilliant movie genre EVER, I must say their list is pretty darn solid.

Leah Lewis and Alexxis Lemire in "The Half of It"


There are newbies like Rye Lane (2023) and classics like His Girl Friday (1940). Respect.

So, let's see how many of these movies *you've* actually watched!!!

Note: There are 200 brilliant films Rotten Tomatoes listed. Not all of them are reflected in this quiz.

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