Etna woman charged with murder in boyfriend's death

23 hours ago 1

Mar. 21—State Police arrested an Etna woman Friday and charged her with murder in the death of her boyfriend.

Officers arrived at 372 Old County Road after receiving a 911 call at around 6:40 a.m., Department of Public Safety Spokesperson Shannon Moss said in a written statement.

There they found 41-year-old Luke Norris, of Etna, dead in the home, Moss said. His cause of death was not clear Friday afternoon.

Police arrested Heidi Tasker, 36, charging her with murder and taking her to a local hospital for evaluation, she said.

The pair both lived in the house, Moss said.

Norris' body was transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, where an autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death, Moss said.

Tasker has a criminal record that dates to 2011, when she was sentenced to 11 months in prison for a rollover crash that killed her then-boyfriend, according to the Maine Bureau of Identification. She was charged with manslaughter.

Tasker was also found guilty of domestic violence assault and imprisoned for 30 days in 2019, according to her record.

In the years between, she was found guilty of theft multiple times, as well as unlawful possession of a scheduled drug and violating the terms of release.

This story will be updated as more information is available.

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