"It's a tasteless abusive relationship story that is so terrible that I'm certain it's used in Guantanamo Bay."
A while back, Reddit user mnightshamalama2 asked in r/moviecritic, "What movies from the 2000s have already aged poorly?" and it turns out there are a LOT. Here are the ones people truly cannot bring themselves to appreciate anymore.
2. "Rewatching Clerks 2 after age 15 is an absolutely wild experience. Our relatable underdog protagonist sexually harasses his teenage coworker and presumably gets a rising woman of color fired, and then gets rewarded for it because someone he's nothing but rude to decides to give him a huge sum of money for literally no reason."
3. "Hollow Man because...well...you know."
4. "I want to say Knocked Up, but I thought it was terrible even in 2007. Katherine Heigl was 100% right; the whole movie painted women as uptight, cold, and shrewish."
5. "Sweet Home Alabama. All the confederate flags and old-timey slang is wild."
6. "I watched Bring It On last night for the first time since I was an adolescent. The blatant anti-gay stuff, sexualizing teenagers, promoting eating disorders, making light of sexual assault, Torrance's white-savior storyline...it was hard to watch."
7. "The first two Transformers movies are just basically zoom-ins of Megan Fox's chest and ass. Also, there's a reference to a cumshot when one girl gets in the car with Shia LaBeouf's character."
9. "In The Hangover, at the beginning of the movie, Bradley Cooper is yelling, 'Paging doctor [f-slur]." Zero percent chance that flies today."
10. "Lost in Translation. I get that there can be some humor in culture shock, but man, the movie took it too far. It took me out of it the last time I rewatched it."
11. "Remember The Titans was cringey when it came out; it's really bad now."
12. "Norbit. It's a tasteless abusive relationship story that is so terrible that I'm certain it's used in Guantanamoo Bay."
13. "Garden State has not aged well. It birthed the 'manic pixie dream girl' label. I do still love the movie and the soundtrack, but I see the point."
14. "The Pursuit of Happyness. I hate that movie so much. [Sarcasm] 'See, it's the American dream! Anybody can be successful in America. You just have to be in exactly the right place at the right time and have an underqualified rich white person give you a chance. If you, too, hustle hard enough, you can win the capitalist lottery. It's sooo inspirational!'"
15. "40 Days and 40 Nights. A woman wins a bet with his friends that her ex-boyfriend can't go through the titular amount of days without sex by raping him. She collects the winnings and struts off into the night. Meanwhile, the male rape victim ends up begging for his new girlfriend's forgiveness for 'cheating on her.'"
16. "The Blindside is probably the worst example of white saviorness in Hollywood. What a mess."
17. "In the vein of The Blind Side, Radio."
18. "Frankly, I'm a little horrified that I ever found Anger Management even slightly amusing. Sexist, anti-LGBTQ, and treats sexual assault like a joke. That film is fucking disgusting."
19. "Super Size Me, when it was revealed that Spurlock had a raging alcohol addiction during filming."
20. "You Don't Mess with the Zohan. Adam Sandler plays an Israeli counterterrorism agent who fakes his own death and moves to New York City to become a hairdresser. He saves a struggling salon by banging old women in the storage closet until experiencing erectile dysfunction due to falling in love with the salon's owner, a Palestinian woman."
21. "Freedom Writers. The only thing stopping these ghettoized students from academic excellence was a well-meaning white woman telling them to believe in themselves."
22. "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry — it is just tons of 'making fun of gay people' jokes."
23. "Captain Phillips, after it was revealed that he actually never followed any precautions and was actually warned about the pirates and brushed them off. Besides also being a total dickhead, he wasn't the one that left the boat and risked his life."
25. "Get Him to the Greek, unfortunately. Jonah Hill, P Diddy, and Russell Brand. All shitty for unique reasons. Also, Jonah Hill's character gets sexually assaulted in one scene, and it's played as a joke. Yikes."
26. "I used to teach on a Rez. One time, as a reward, I let the kids in my mentoring period pick out an approved movie from the library. They picked Windtalkers, which I had never seen. I was like, work. Nic Cage, Christian Slater, AND Adam Beech? Hell yes. That movie was straight white savior trash. The whole thing was about how hard it was for the white soldiers to maybe have to kill their windtalker interpreters if it looked like they might get caught. Such shit."
27. "Waiting. I loved it in college. Now I don't think I can watch it again. I think a lot of the humor will just seem dull and cringey (maybe besides Luis Guzman), but especially the entire bit about Ryan Reynolds being a child predator and having to restrain himself from having sex with a girl under 18 until her birthday in a few weeks…pretty ew. Weird to think that shit was just played off as funny in the mid-2000s, and we all just went along with it."
29. "Love Actually. ... Anyone defending this movie should be ashamed. The way they dressed Emma Thompson as a frumpy frump and then had her stay with her trash, cheating, Snapey husband is the only reason you need to throw this film in the garbage — but you can also choose one of the other 739 problematic things in this movie."
30. "I don’t know how Crash was ever okay."
31. "I always get flack for saying this, but Van Wilder is basically unwatchable to me now. That scene where he jerks off his dog and fills donuts with its semen, then feeds them to Tara Reid's boyfriend's frat…what a fun prank, right? There's plenty more to say about the movie and the constant 'the woman is the prize' theme, but the dog cum scene alone just makes me never want to put it on again."
32. And finally, I'm pretty sure this one raised eyebrows from the start, but we'll end with Tiptoes, which cast Gary Oldman as a person with dwarfism and employed some...interesting cinematic tricks (like sticking him on a sofa with fake legs) to make him look smaller.
What other movies do you think aged poorly? Let us know in the comments!
Submissions have been edited for length/clarity.