I grew up in Southern California, so I am no stranger to Coachella. However if you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, let me quickly catch you up to one of the most iconic music festivals in the world. Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, or more colloquially shortened to Coachella, officially started back in 1999 featuring some of the most popular bands - at that time included the Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Cure, Daft Punk, and Radiohead.
Now, Coachella is not just a music festival - it is truly a cultural event. With art installations, local food vendors, and large corporate partnerships have transformed this once humble music festival into an international beacon for personified of pop culture. Which...does make things a little more complex than just sitting down in the grass and bopping your head along to your favorite artist's song.
But don't worry, that's why I'm here!
If you've gotten tickets to Coachella 2025, here are my top three tips to have an incredible experience at Coachella! Though if you need a full breakdown of what to expect at Coachella, definitely check out my Coachella Guide for First Timers for even more exclusive Coachella tips!
#1: Get on the same page
Whether you are going to Coachella in a group or going solo, the number one Coachella tip is to know what you want from your experience.
Are you going with the expectation to see as many bands and artists as possible? Do you want to prioritize comfort over being close to the stage? Are you interested in checking out the art installations and extra booths? How often will you want food and bathroom breaks? If you are traveling with others, are you comfortable splitting up?
All of these things - and more - will impact your experience. You don't have to make a checklist by any means, but having a general idea of what your experience might look like, and thus what it might NOT look like, will help get your expectations in line.
For example, if your favorite artist is headlining and you want to be up close and center...you will have to park yourself at that stage. That means you'll have to show up to the stage three to four sets MINIMUM in advance, and slowly move closer to the stage as people leave. In exchange for being close to the stage, you won't be able to leave the stage for food or bathroom breaks and you won't be able to see sets at other stages or check out any of the art. AND THAT'S OKAY!
Vice versa, if you can't stand for very long or need to eat every x-hours or just want to hop around to different stages for different artists...you're not going to be close to the stage. AND THAT'S OKAY TOO!
Know when its worth it FOR YOU to make festival sacrifices - but more on that later. If you know where your priorities lie going into Coachella, you're already setting yourself up for a good experience!
#2: Have a realistic budget
I'm going to rip the Band-Aid off now — Coachella is expensive.
Of course, if you have tickets this isn't exactly breaking news, but what most first-time Coachella goers don't expect is that the price tag KEEPS CLIMBING from there. A simple meal from a food booth at Coachella will run about $15-$20 USD MINIMUM. Those giant non-alcoholic lemonades are $20 USD MINIMUM. If you want merch, most t-shirts start around $60 USD, and of course goes up from there. Make sure to work that into your budget.
There are also small add-ons that...well, add-up. If you are driving to Coachella, there is a VERY tempting golf cart shuttle that will take you from the parking lot straight to the festival gate which would otherwise be a 10-15 minute walk in the hot desert sun ($10 per person).
If you want to keep your budget down, here are some of my general recommendations:
Eat a large meal before and after the festival
Bring a refillable water bottle
If you're not camping onsite, carpool or take a shuttle
Stay away from the merch tent (you don't NEED it, I promise)
#3: Map it Out
Like most things in life, having a plan will make your Coachella experience run smoother. Now I'm not saying you have to time everything out down to the second, but getting a rough idea of the day's itinerary will help you get the most bang for your buck.
If you're not all about that and just want to wing it and see where the music leads you - BY ALL MEANS. Skip this step. For everyone else, here's what you'll want to do.
Coachella has 7 main stages and they are NOT close together. If you only care about a few select artists, then this is less of an issue. Just head over to that artist's stage when their set is coming up. If you want to be at the very front of the stage for an artists earlier in the day, then you only need to be there maybe a set in advance. Otherwise, aim to leave towards that stage about 10 minutes or so before the set time to get a good position.
NOTE: if you want to be at/near the front for a headliner, you will have to be at the stage at least three to four sets in advance.
However, if you want to see as many artists as possible, then get used to the fact that you won't be close to the stage and you'll have to be more strategic about timing. If the stages are not close together, you should leave a bit earlier to account for distance and crowds. If you don't have specific artists you want to see, then chose sets that are close in distance so you can cut down on walking and travel times. Be open to seeing new-to-you artists because you might just find your next favorite band!
Hope these tips helped you, and for more Coachella advice check out my Coachella Guide for First Timers. Happy festival season!