19 Things Movies And TV Shows Want Us To Believe Are 100% True, But They're 100% Not

5 days ago 1

1. "That all frogs make the 'ribbit' noise. It's just the sound of a Baja California Treefrog. Other frogs make all manner of sounds, including barking."

2. "That people always talk in clear, coherent, and meaningful sentences without any umms or ahhs."


"On a similar note, that everyone is always super eloquent. Like, most people don't spontaneously hold passionate speeches to motivate their friends."


3. "They never get chemo right. Yes, they have a bald cap, but they forget to remove eyebrows and eyelashes. Plus, with modern medicine, side effects like vomiting can be prevented. I wonder how many women delayed getting a lump checked out because of what they saw on TV."

4. "So many cheesy young adult shows have families living in 10,000 sqft mansions with parents who are teachers or cops or something similarly 'middle class.' It's silly and disconnected from reality."


5. "If you keep bothering her long enough, she will fall for you. Nah, she will just think you are creepy."

6. "Dying people are alert and oriented and able to talk until they murmur their last words, close their eyes, then sigh a final breath. Love, your friendly neighborhood hospice nurse who has to battle this trope constantly."


7. "You can get anywhere in a major city in minutes, and there is always an open parking spot in front of any place."

8. "So help me god, if I see another movie saying we use 10 percent of our brain..."


9. "God, I hate the 'broke' NYC fashion student living in a 'run-down' apartment when it's actually just an industrial loft that's really nice trope."

10. "If I'm in high school and my mom or dad makes a huge breakfast to cover an entire dining room table, I'm going to be late to school that day cause ain't no way I'm choosing school over the once-in-a-lifetime breakfast and just grabbing a piece of toast. 'Gotta go, or I'll be late!'"


"It's also always daylight. Most of the school year, my kids go to the bus in the dark."


"My god, this has always bugged me. The audacity. The disrespect."


11. "Hackers that furiously tap on the keyboard for 30 seconds...'I'm in.'"

12. "That you can enhance photos despite the grain or pixelation. If you enlarge a photo, you will not get a crystal clear image."


"Zoom and enhance is my least favorite Hollywood trope. What's worse is I've seen several plots on TV shows resolved using that method, showing that in reality that killer or villain would easily have gotten away since enhancing to Hollywood levels isn't a thing."


13. "You can pull the tab off a hand grenade with your teeth, it's more like the tab of the grenade pulls your teeth out."

14. "That people can have entire operations set up in abandoned buildings without being bothered for trespassing."


15. "Paramedics are constantly running and push the stretcher into the ER at breakneck speed with doctors and nurses running alongside down the hallways."

16. "Sprinkler head pops easily, and the water is clean. As a Fire Alarm Tech, the temperature to pop the head isn't a low one, and the water is usually black and smells disgusting."


17. "That CPR brings practically anybody back to life, no matter what happened to them."

18. "Any semi-truck is legally required to honk when driving within 50 yards of the main protagonist."


"I am a trucker, can confirm. I'm legally required to honk the air horn at every main protagonist I encounter at work."


19. Finally, "Air conditioning ducts are an easy way to sneak through buildings."

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